TRMG has the capability to produce electronic versions of its publications. These Digital Editions are 'flickable' publications that are read online using your web browser. They can be viewed using a traditional desktop computer or mobile devices such as Apple's iPad and iPhone or Android based phones and tablets. The technology is both user friendly and extremely powerful. The main features and benefits are:
Digital editions are the prefect complement to your existing online marketing strategy and can co-exist with traditional print publications. The flexibility and rich media potential are key benefits that will add value to your partner and sponsor relationships.
TRMG has created websites to promote and sell magazines for a number of our clients.
When TRMG became publisher of SCUBA magazine, the official magazine of the British Sub-Aqua Club, part of the brief was to create a magazine website. The result was Backed by a powerful content management system (CMS), the website is easily updated using a web browser. It is also flexible enough to adapt to future requirements.
Smartphone Applications
TRMG has developed a smartphone Web-Application framework. The motivation for this initiative was to provide clients who run events an effective way to communicate with their visitors through their hand-held devices. The key functions of the Web-APP are:
For more information on TRMG digital services, please contact Charles Dragazis.
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